Pete Lau is hosting a celebration. The OnePlus CEO recently revealed that the company’s next 10T would be released on August 3rd with a live event in New York City. With a Snapdragon 8 Plus Gen 1 CPU, the 10T maintains OnePlus’ heritage of performance-focused specifications. This is, in theory, an improvement above the Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 found in the OnePlus 10 Pro. OnePlus will also use the occasion to introduce OxygenOS 13, which Lau claims will first be available for the OnePlus 10 Pro and later this year for the OnePlus 10T.
According to Qualcomm, the 8 Gen 1 “Plus” processor performs more quickly and uses less battery power than the non-plus chipset. It’s a CPU that pulls out all the stops, and it’s primarily designed for mobile gaming devices. It seems that the 10T will focus more on performance than the more popular 10 Pro, a likeable phone but falls short when compared to devices like the Samsung Galaxy S22.
OnePlus isn’t making many announcements at the moment since it is playing its customary long game. Even a little detective work, or playing around with Photoshop sliders, doesn’t turn up anything in the gloomy areas of the one photograph of the gadget that OnePlus has posted. The OnePlus 10 Pro’s camera setup, which includes conventional wide, ultrawide, and telephoto back lenses, looks to be remarkably similar to that of this device.
Although it appears that both smartphones feature a fourth-back camera, the 10 Pro at least just has a flash. The camera system is unlikely to have undergone a major change for this second half of the year release, but it is undoubtedly one area where the 10 Pro falls short and the 10T has room for improvement.
While OnePlus is keeping quiet, speculations have been a bit more forthcoming about what the firm may have up its sleeve, suggesting that we may see extremely fast 150W charging and — brace yourself — the disappearance of the tactile alert slider. Spit it out, Pete. Whatever the case, everything will be made clear soon enough – the launch ceremony begins on August 3 at 10 AM ET.