If you’re hiring for remote roles or projects, you may be wondering how to find the best candidates without meeting them in person. Thankfully, plenty of talented workers are interested in telecommuting, and technology makes it easy to bring your team together virtually. Techtalk Planet shares how to attract fantastic candidates, conduct smooth remote interviews, and manage your team!

Form an LLC

Before you begin searching for your remote team, taking some time to register your business as an LLC in your state is a smart course of action. For small business owners, LLC status comes with a variety of perks – you’ll get to enjoy everything from limited liability and personal asset protection to tax breaks every year. However, it’s important to recognize that the requirements for establishing an LLC vary in different states, so spend time thoroughly researching the rules in your state before you register. You’ll also need to register LLC with IRS and get an EIN number.

Post Job Ads

To start your search for the right employees or contractors, you can post job ads on popular online platforms. Jobber Academy recommends including a company overview, a short yet detailed description of the job, and the basic responsibilities and necessary requirements for potential candidates. You’ll want to look for people who can be reliable while working with little oversight.

Network Online

After you post your ad, you can also do a little bit of networking online to attract candidates. For instance, you can use LinkedIn to let your network know that you’re hiring. You can also personally reach out to qualified individuals in your network who you know might be interested in applying. Sometimes, the best candidates are found through referrals, so let your friends and family know that they should put you in touch with job seekers who suit the requirements.

Conduct Remote Interviews

If you’re hiring for a remote position, you’ll need to hold remote interviews over the phone or through video chat. If you plan to interview candidates with video conferencing software, Tech Target recommends providing candidates with straightforward instructions well before the date arrives: tell them what software you’ll be using and how they can log on to the meeting. Give your own tech a test run beforehand to make sure that everything is working properly.

Remote EmployeeManagement Tips

You’ve hired your remote team, and now you want to make sure that you’re all on the same page as you move forward! Establish clear standards for communication from the beginning, and if you plan to use any specific applications for messaging during the workday, make sure that everyone is set up with an account.

Sometimes, it can be difficult for remote employers and employees to properly manage their time, so it’s appropriate to have a discussion about setting boundaries early on. For instance, establish that just because employees are working remotely, they don’t need to answer emails outside of business hours. Finally, take steps to cultivate company culture, even from afar, like blocking off time for casual socializing over video chat or collaborative brainstorming sessions.

Today, countless employers and workers have realized the many benefits of remote work. If you’re looking for fantastic employees or contractors to round out your remote team, you’ll have plenty of qualified applicants. By following these tips, you’ll be onboarding your new team members before you know it!

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