Apple, Samsung, And Meta’s New Products Will Revolutionize Internet Usage In 2023 Using AR And VR Technology

    Apple, Samsung, And Meta's New Products Will Revolutionize Internet Usage In 2023 Using AR And VR Technology

    Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) may become widely used in 2023, transforming how we use the internet and rendering portable physical gadgets obsolete. The rush to get this technology into the hands of consumers is on with Apple, Samsung, and Meta already in the mix. For instance, Apple has been discreetly developing AR/VR headsets and glasses for years. Reliable sources indicate that Apple will launch a mixed-reality headset later this year, but not the AR spectacles that many people had anticipated. Samsung, meanwhile, intends to introduce its AR Galaxy Glasses. There are worries that these devices would be out of reach financially, which might restrict their early adoption. This article will discuss what augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are, why they’re interesting, how businesses are bringing them to consumers, what we can expect from these gadgets, and how they can alter how we interact with the internet.

    What Is AR and VR?

    Although they have been around for a while, augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are two similar technologies that have not yet become widely used. With augmented reality, digital data is superimposed on the physical world. With the help of this technology, users can engage with digital information in a more natural way, giving them the impression that it is a real component of their environment. The creation of an entirely immersive, digital world that is often experienced through a headset is referred to as VR, on the other hand. Users are able to move about and engage in this world in a way that feels authentic.

    What Companies Are Doing to Bring AR and VR to Consumers?

    A number of businesses are presently developing AR and VR products that may be made available to consumers soon. These are a few noteworthy instances:


    Since several years ago, Apple has been developing AR and VR technology. However, it won’t be the AR glasses that many people had anticipated; instead, the business plans to unveil a mixed-reality headgear later this year. With an estimated price tag of $3,000, the mixed-reality headset is likely to be large and pricey, making it unaffordable for the majority of buyers. The development of more affordable AR glasses, however, may be facilitated by this headset.


    Another significant player in the AR and VR industries is Samsung. The business has already released a number of folding phones, and it is also thought to be developing AR Galaxy Glasses, which might be available shortly. Together with Google, Samsung is developing a “extended reality” device.


    Over the years, Oculus Quest 2 is one of the VR headsets that Meta, formerly known as Facebook, has released. The business is also developing AR glasses, which might be available soon.


    For many years, Microsoft has been developing the HoloLens augmented reality headgear. The most recent model, HoloLens 2, is now on the market, however it is primarily targeted towards corporations.

    What Can We Expect from AR and VR Devices?

    Depending on the brand and model, different AR and VR devices have different features and characteristics. Nonetheless, the following are some things we may anticipate from these gadgets:

    Mixed Reality

    AR and VR technologies are combined to create mixed reality. This enables users to engage with digital content as though it were a part of the real world while viewing it overlaid on the actual world. This is what is anticipated from Apple’s mixed-reality headset.

    Voice Control

    Devices for augmented and virtual reality should have voice control since it enables hands-free interaction with the digital world. The usage of voice control enables users to issue commands or carry out activities using nothing more than their voice, as opposed to the use of physical input devices like keyboards, mouse, or touchscreens.

    With voice control, users can interact with digital information and apps in AR and VR more naturally and effectively because they can utilise spoken commands and natural language to communicate with the virtual world. This can be especially useful when users need to keep their hands free, such as when operating a vehicle or carrying out a work that calls for the use of both hands.

    Samsung hasn’t formally announced the arrival of its AR Galaxy Glasses, but there have been various leaks and reports that imply the company is working on a project named Samsung Glasses Lite that may be an AR headset. The Samsung Exynos VR III CPU is claimed to be the source of power for the lightweight eyewear.

    It is important to note that Samsung has some expertise with augmented reality technology thanks to the launch of the Samsung Gear VR headset in collaboration with Oculus. Even though the Gear VR was not a financial success, it gave Samsung the opportunity to investigate AR and VR technology more thoroughly.

    If Samsung does introduce an AR headset or pair of glasses, it might put pressure on Apple to offer the same at a more consumer-friendly price point. Consumers who are afraid to spend $3,000 on a mixed-reality headset may find Samsung more tempting because it has a history of producing goods at lower price points than Apple.

    Other businesses are also making significant investments in AR and VR technology, including Facebook and Microsoft. Consumers seem to like Facebook’s standalone VR headgear, the Oculus Quest 2, which it recently introduced. Although it is unknown when or if these will be released, the company is also apparently working on augmented reality spectacles.

    On the other side, Microsoft has unveiled the HoloLens, an augmented reality headgear geared towards businesses and developers. Applications for the HoloLens range from training medical personnel to creating vehicles.

    A greater choice of goods and price points is probably on the horizon as more businesses enter the AR and VR industry. While Apple may be targeting high-end consumers with its mixed-reality headset, other companies may focus on more affordable and accessible alternatives.

    Finally, 2023 might be the year that AR and VR technology become widely used. While Samsung and other businesses are said to be developing AR and VR goods, Apple is expected to debut a mixed-reality headset. Although these items may have a high initial cost, it is possible that in the future we will see a greater selection of products and pricing points. The widespread usage of AR and VR technologies may radically alter how we access the internet and engage with digital material, opening the door for novel and exciting uses in industries like education, entertainment, and healthcare.