HMD, a producer of Nokia phones, is introducing its own line of smartphones.


    The Finnish manufacturer of Nokia-branded smartphones, HMD Global, has made preparations to introduce its own range of mobile phones. On Monday, HMD Global CEO Jean-Francois Baril made a statement on Linkedin about the company’s plans to grow its product line through partnerships with “exciting new partners” that have not yet been made public and the launch of a new HMD brand that would coexist with its existing Nokia phone line.

    As “HMD – the home of Nokia phones,” a position we have had exclusively for the past six years, it has been a wonderful adventure, according to Baril. “At this point in our journey, we are prepared to take the next step, which is to independently enter the market as a force to create a new telecommunications world centered on consumer needs.”

    A launch schedule for HMD Global’s new smartphone brand is still pending.

    There has been no mention of a release date or any more information on the new HMD products. We have contacted HMD Global for more information and will update this article if we hear back.

    After Microsoft gave up the rights to the Nokia name in 2016, HMD Global was established. The feature phone division of Microsoft was acquired by Foxconn, and HMD Global is mostly owned by Terry Gou, the founder of Foxconn. Foxconn presently manufactures gadgets under the Nokia brand, so it’s likely that any next HMD-branded items will also be made by the Taiwanese tech giant.

    Up until now, Nokia-branded phones like the Nokia C32 launched by HMD have primarily been found in the mid-range to budget price range, and it appears that future HMD-branded products may follow likewise. According to Baril, the business will keep “designing for a more sustainable and affordable future.” Even though Foxconn is responsible for the actual production of these new devices, Espoo-based HMD Global Oy is still mostly governed by former Nokia executives, so this could be a chance for the business to regain some of the legacy of the brand under a new identity.