Twitter Begins Experimenting With The Cotweets Functionality, Which Enables Two Accounts To Co-Author A Tweet

    Twitter Begins Experimenting With The Cotweets Functionality, Which Enables Two Accounts To Co-Author A Tweet

    This week, Twitter users began participating in a beta test of a new CoTweets function. Two accounts can co-author a tweet using the CoTweets functionality, and both accounts can be tagged in a single tweet. The business began testing the idea early this year, and Twitter has now confirmed to The Verge that this new feature is currently live for some users for a brief period of time.

    Twitter spokesperson Joseph J. Nuez said in a statement to The Verge, “We’re continuing to explore new methods for people to interact on Twitter. For a short period of time, we’re testing CoTweets to see how users and companies may utilise it to expand their audiences, fortify existing relationships with other accounts, and get new followers.

    The business confirmed the tool is accessible for a limited number of users in the US, Canada, and Korea in a tweet from the Twitter Create account. More details on how it functions and what it can do are available in this FAQ.

    A CoTweet is what?

    A co-written Tweet is known as a CoTweet, and it is published to both writers’ timelines and the timelines of their followers at the same time. A CoTweet may be identified by the usernames and profile images of two writers in the header. CoTweets enable authors to share the limelight, open doors for interacting with new audiences and strengthen their existing relationships.

    How do CoTweets function?

    The first step when two authors decide to CoTweet is to decide on the content they want to share. To cooperate, we advise utilising Direct Messages.

    When the messaging is prepared, one author creates the CoTweet and sends the co-author an invitation. When a co-author accepts a CoTweet invitation, it is immediately posted to both of their followers’ timelines as well as each author’s profile.

    How is a CoTweet written?

    Activate the Tweet composer. Tap the CoTweet icon after adding the co-authored messaging. From your list of followers, pick a co-author, then hit Invite.

    The CoTweets feature, which several Twitter users have been testing today, enables the main tweet author to ask a co-author to be tagged in the tweet and discuss the contents through Direct Message. The co-authored tweet requires approval from the second account; the final tweet indicates that it was co-authored by two users, but comments seem to be addressed exclusively to the primary author of the tweet. As Twitter’s embed capability hasn’t been upgraded to allow CoTweets yet, you might need to view the tweets directly.

    It makes sense to think that influencers and companies will employ a co-author tool on Twitter quickly given that Instagram has offered a similar one on its platform since last year.