Must Try Useful Amazon Echo Features!

    Must Try Useful Amazon Echo Features!

    You should start utilising Alexa right away because it has so many features.

    If you’re not making the most of your Amazon Echo speaker, you’re really losing out. Making phone calls, starting your smart home gadgets, and playing music are all excellent activities. But there are so many other things Alexa is able to accomplish, so it’s time to stop using her solely for the fundamentals.

    We’ll discuss some of Alexa’s capabilities that you might not have known about. Did you realise, for instance, that you could transmit your music from one Echo device to another? Additionally, you can have Alexa keep an eye on your home while you’re gone and transfer gifts to a charity instantly.

    Learn some surprising abilities of your Amazon Echo and how to use the features by reading on.

    Other Devices Can Use Alexa Cast

    It can be annoying to have to pause music when you’re really into a song on your Amazon Echo but need to move to another room in the house. Fortunately, you can broadcast that music to another speaker if you own several Echo devices by using the Alexa Cast function.

    Choose your current playlist from the Amazon Music app on your phone. Tap the button on the screen’s lower right side after bringing up the music controls. After that, decide which Echo speaker you want to cast to.

    The Alexa app also lets you do this. Simply touch the playlist you’re now listening to and choose the device you want to play it on. Several Echo speakers, or none at all, for instance.

    Protect Your House With Alexa

    Before leaving the house, you may activate Alexa Guard if you ever worry about your home while you’re away. Simply say, “Alexa, I’m going,” and the voice assistant will begin keeping an eye out for telltale indicators of a break-in, such as glass shattering. If it detects anything strange, it will inform you so you can choose whether to call the police and have them investigate.

    You may tell Alexa when you get home to stop listening for noises by saying, “Alexa, I’m home.”

    Give To A Good Cause With Alexa

    You may use your Amazon Echo to send a gift to a charity that is included on Amazon’s list; there are close to 400 alternatives from which to pick. The voice assistant will ask you which charity you’d want to donate to when you say, “Alexa, I’d like to make a contribution.” Alexa will then inquire about your desired donation amount. You must have Amazon Pay set up before attempting to send your gift, so keep that in mind.

    Alexa-Enabled Amazon Shopping

    Ask Alexa to place a Prime Now order for you if you’re low on household essentials like toothpaste or paper towels. The Alexa app must first have voice purchases enabled.

    To achieve this, launch the app and choose Who Can Buy from the More > Settings > Account Settings > Voice Purchasing > Purchase Controls menu. Say, “Alexa, I’d like to buy toothpaste,” for instance, when you’re ready to make a purchase. Alexa will add the item to your shopping basket and prompt you to confirm your desire to make the purchase.

    To ensure that nobody else can use your Echo speaker to make purchases, you may add a PIN number under the same settings.

    Alexa Can Help You Locate A Missing Phone

    It occurs considerably more frequently than you’d want to admit when you lose your phone inside the house. It might be irritating to attempt to find it on your own when no one is available to call for you. Fortunately, you can locate it with your Amazon Echo. If your phone is quiet, you can ask Alexa to call it, but it won’t do anything. Downloading the Find My Phone skill from the Alexa app is an additional choice.